Rainbow birds


The rainbow birds take you past all the colours of the rainbow. Each rainbow bird presents a colour of the rainbow. Every colour is different and has its own character and qualities.

The rainbow birds are part of the Yil bird knitting project of Mathilde Jongbloed. I changed her basic pattern again and again to suit the individual character of each bird.

Thanks to Antrovista, all rainbow birds can be used as ecards
The rainbow birds are also present in the fairy tale of the frightened little bird and the dragon.



Magenta is soft and wooly, has mainly round forms and a wide fanning tail. She can stand well at her feet, but usually she does not do that. She prefers dreaming and sitting all day in her lovely soft magenta nest, in which she partly disappears. If sitting at her nest, it is hard to say where the bird ends and the nest begins. Magenta is one with her surrounding.



Carmine is more active than Magenta. He feels at home at his warm and cosy nest. He constantly keeps building at his nest. He uses his own feathers to decorate the nest and is always looking for new branches and twigs to close all the cracks and holes in his nest.

In this way his nest becomes more and more warm and cosy.



Scarletta loves to sit at the border of her nest, looking out. Now and then she carefully makes some steps outside of her nest or she flies up a little. She is curious about the world outside of hi nest, as long as the save nest is nearby.



Vermillion has a remarkable appearance. He has a lot of courage,  he is powerful, very mobile and warm and he likes changes. His life is never dull, because nothing will ever stay the same with this bird; he changes whatever he can, so that every day is different and new and life is just one big adventure.    


The Orange singers

The Orange singers are cheerful songbirds. Early in the morning they start singing at the top of their voices. Their enthusiasm awakens the voices of the other birds. The Orange singers are always together in a group. Their flight is elegant. Now and then,  still singing, they fly up a little and then land again, often at the top or one of the higher branches of a tree or bush.



Yellow has a sunny character. He moves freely and lightly through the air, but he also likes the warmth of the earth. Standing on a branch, with its wings spread wide, he enjoys the sunlight, that gives his yellow colour a golden luster.


The Yellow-greens

The Yellow-greens love light and air. Because of their youth, freshness and optimistic character, they are welcome guests. But they stay never long. They move quick and agile in a rhythmic way through the air, from one place to another. Usually the Yellow-greens are together in smaller or larger groups.



Emerald has a slim figure, long legs and an upright posture.

With a clear watchful gaze, he sees his whole envirement. Often you can find him at his most beloved spot at the water. 

This wise bird has a calm nature and can stand for hours at the same spot, almost without moving.



Turquoise has a long sharp beak, high legs and geometric patterns at his back and belly. His look is clear and fresh. He loves order, regularity, structure and a light envirement. Cold and ice do not bother him, but heat does… So when it gets too warm to him, he flies away to colder regions.


Cobalta and Ultramarine

Cobalta and Ultramarine form together a close family. They are very social and caring. With their large protective wings they embrace each other and their offspring. With much love they share their warmth and the care for their chicks. When the chicks are big enough they fly away all together, into the world… The parent birds show the way and protect and take care of the young birds as long as necessary.



Indigovera is a sturdy build bird. She is different from the others, but this does not bother her. Now and then she steps a little aside to give more space to the other birds with different colours. She does not experience it as a problem to be alone. She can enjoy herself very well, is indepent from others and satisfied in herself. 


Violet and Violetta

Violet and Violetta are quiet and peaceful birds. They like the silence and their love is superb: They love the earth and everything on earth. But the sky and heaven above them are also very dear to them.